Create a {PLATFORM} post with emoji’s about {VARIETY} from {REGION}
Create a brief {PLATFORM} post with emojis about the history of {FARM} in {REGION}
Create {NUMBER} possible titles for {PLATFORM} posts about {FARM or REGION}
Summarize this press release for a {PLATFORM} post: {INSERT PRESS RELEASE}
Create {NUMBER} {PLATFORM} posts about this product: {INSERT URL}
Give me a paragraph of {NUMBER} Instagram hashtags for the {COUNTRY} wine industry.
Create a {PLATFORM} post with emojis about the soils of {REGION}
Create a {PLATFORM} post with emojis about this event: {INSERT EVENT URL}
Write an overview of this wine for {PLATFORM}: {INSERT PRODUCT LINK}
Ready to take your wine marketing to the next level? Reach out to me today, and let's elevate your game! erica@uncorkified.com